Start Using a Simple Solution In Your Home

With this Essential Oils Basic video you will learn:

? What essential oils are

? Why essential oils should be in your everyday life

? How to use essential oils simply + safely

Small, simple steps can make a huge difference, this video will help introduce you to those changes!

I am someone who swells up with every insect bite. A friend gave me some lavender to try on a bite. It was like magic the way it soothed my skin. What use to be two weeks of swelled up, itching red blob, didn't happen! Reapplying the Lavender as needed kept the swelling from happening and great relief from the itching. And in four days there was no sign of even the bite mark. This led me to want to learn more about these amazing doTERRA essential oils.

"I started using essential oils to help my children with their learning disabilities and to enhance their focus. I feel blessed at how much more these oils and this company have provided for me and my family. doTERRA is not only about oils. Is about hope, friends, empowerment and sharing. Thank you for everything. I am a better version of me." 
-Georgianna Boian