
Sunscreen Time Without the Toxic Chemicals

Sunscreen Time!

I want you to think about this for a moment: 60% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream. Allergies, hormonal disruptions, irritation, cancer, and reproductive issues are just a few of the problems that can develop if your skin is exposed to dangerous chemicals for prolonged periods.

I love summertime and the opportunity to be outside a lot! Having spent most of my life in Southern California with over 25 years within 2 miles of the beach, my skin has absorbed a good amount of rays. Over the years I have tried a whole lot of sunscreen products. 
With my ever increasing desire to reduce the toxic load to my body, I have turned to natural ways to help protect myself from too many rays and the cancer causing ingredients in many sunscreens.  
This means I aim for my outdoor time to be early mornings, late afternoons and evenings. If you see me out and about I will be wearing a hat and sunglasses. And I use my Natural Sunscreen that I quickly and easily whip up at home for just a fraction of the cost of the store bought varieties and no toxins!

Conventional sunscreens may help prevent sunburn, but they often contain ingredients that may do long term harm. Even the mainstream media has started to mention some these issues associated with Oxybenzone, retinyl palminate, and nanoparticles.
Several essential oils and carrier oils can be helpful on the skin.  I like to use Virgin Organic Coconut Oil which has an SPF of about 8 and Hawaiian Sandalwood essential oil which has an SPF of 30.  The quality of the essential oil you use will make a big difference in the SPF, which is why I ONLY use a particular brand of Essential Oils.

I love this sunscreen and it's so nice to get protection without all the chemicals. Plus it make my skin soft too!
My husband and I have been using this👇 recipe for many years and the only time I get any kind of burn is when I forget to use it!
What you need:

  • Weight out the Virgin Coconut oil on scale
  • Combine Essential oil  and Coconut oil in a glass jar. 
  • To make it easier to blend together, heat jar in a pan of water. Do Not heat in microwave as this changes the molecular structure
  • Store your sunscreen in the glass jar or a silicone travel container
  • Apply before exposure to sun. 
  • Reapply as needed and after being in the water. 
This sunscreen has an SPF of 36 for greater protection, increase the sandalwood to 80 drops.

Here is another recipe for a single use:
Mix together 3 drops Sandalwood or Helichrysum for each teaspoon of Fractionated Coconut oil.

Blessings for Health, Joy & Laughter,


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